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Showing posts from March, 2017

About python's programmatic flow

Is python object-oriented ? - Yes. So does it follow the object-oriented style programmatic flow? Lets check out. Here I have a short python code. Let's see the 6th line. If we call the function above the function itself, it will return the error which looks like this; This occurs because its called above the repeat_lyrics(); 's initialization. So from this, we can comprehend that python is a object-oriented  language, but the programmatic flow  doesn't follow the object-oriented style flow . Its complicated to work with this, (this probably is a bad practice) just call all functions above the working code.

About string operands

Well known data type String is also available on Java. There are a lot of easy-to-use features on using String data type. But its little bit complicated on actually using them. Let me explain by some actual examples. As you see on the 4th line, if you put the calculating expression in front of the string (which is covered in quotes) and it will automatically return the calculated value of the expression and merge those two strings. The opposite seems to show the same output, but it doesn't. See the 5th line and you will see. The following expression 3 + 4 isn't calculated. Didn't know dem Its always good to know new things ;)

About function overloading

Function overloading is a feature in c++. Probably Java also has this feature c++ allows you to specify more than one function with same function names. And that's called function overloading. One thing to aware, all the functions overloaded should have same return data type. The thing can differ is the arguments on the function. The following example was wrote during the game programming class. Note that the return data type is same on all functions overloaded.

Presentation about Big Data X Traffic Jam

I forgot to write this post after the presentation This was a presentation project from science class. Started from my idea, which came from my daily life annoyed from traffic jams. And combined with the popular technology "Big Data", this idea came up with us. Received the best score from the presentation! Nailed it A lot of thanks to teammates, Ilhoon Lee and Jinyoung Choi. Probably the most prepared, and the best presentation of 2016. Average_Russian_driver.gif Simple explanation about the idea: We capture those flooding data from roads, analyse those data, provide to users. That will lead to less traffics, and it will lead to cars staying shorter on the streets. And finally, it will take part on slowing the earth rushing toward global warming. If you are interested more on this topic, please che...